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The Pre-School relies on its committee for essential functions such as administration, finances, and staff employment, overseen in collaboration with the manager.
The committee, elected annually during the AGM in the Autumn term, comprises voluntary members, primarily parents/carers of attending children. As Camel Pre-School operates as a Registered Charity, committee members automatically assume the role of Trustees.
The effective functioning of the Pre-School hinges on a complete committee, emphasizing the importance of your support. If you're interested in joining, please approach a committee member or staff member.
For transparency, a list of current Committee members is available on the notice board, along with the latest Committee Meeting minutes.
The Committee roles include:
  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Fundraisers

To contact the committee please email


Committee Members 2023/24

Lindsay Wood - Joint Chair

I'm Lindsay and i'm the joint chair of the committee with support from Hayley for the 2023/24 academic year. In my day job I work in the NHS as a Paramedic which I have done for the past 11 years. I have 3 young children, 2 of which are currently at Camel Pre-School.
Hayley Courtenay - Joint Chair

I'm Hayley and i'm the joint chair of the committee with support from Lindsay for the 2023/24 academic year. In my day job I run my own wedding cake business which I have done for the past 7 years. I have 2 young children, 1 of which is currently at Camel Pre-School.
Treasurer - Tim Newton
Safeguarding - Kerry Morgan
Secretary - Lucy Cameron
Fundraisers - Michelle Church, Emma Robins, Laura Allsworth

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